Dynamic. Responsive. Customer focused.

Elevate your brand with Kontrol Media Studios.

Windy Point Lodge

Branding your business doesn't need to be difficult.

Your brand isn't just about your logo. Sure, it's important. Your brand, however, is so much more than that. It's about how you communicate with your customer. What message do they receive when they see your signs, your social presence, your advertising? A company without a coherent brand strategy struggles to be likeable and relevant in today's fast paced world. Your mission, your values, and your voice must be instantly recognizable and understandable. The basis of 100% of your marketing strategy should come back to one thing: Your Brand.

Our team of experts can help you develop a strong brand strategy, stunning designs, and high-quality videography and photography to showcase your brand in the best light possible. Let us help you stand out in a crowded market.

Before After
about us

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of Kontrol Media Studios is to provide results-oriented, high quality media services to our customers with honesty and integrity

Accountable to not only our customers, but also our community, Kontrol Media Studios aims to be a different kind of company. One that is a leader in creating first class relationships with our clients, but also one that gives back to the communities we serve.

We believe that as a business, we're only ever as strong as the people around us, and we aim to be good corporate citizens, and not just multimedia experts.

Alan Corbett | Scott Hobbs

Owners of Kontrol Media Studios Inc.
about us

What We Do


Branding, video production, photography, and corporate print services are just a few of the things we bring to the table.


We've worked with small coffee shops and with multinational companies. The old adage nothing too big or too small, is how we've modelled our brand & services.

Your Investment

We know that building a brand can be both time consuming, and expensive. We work with our clients to make both your time invested, as well as the cost, manageable.

Our Community

We give back to our community. Aside from being active citizens of our hometown, Alan and Scott ensure that Kontrol Media Studios is able to repay the city that gave us a chance to succeed.

Some friends we have made along the way

Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists
  • Conference Video - Thunder Bay
Watson's Windy Point Lodge
  • Website content production
  • Promotional Videos
  • Promotional Photography
Odyssey Homes
Content text
Bay Village Coffee
  • Menu Signage
  • Heart Cookies Video
Gram's Smokey Dreams
  • Logo & Branding
Lakehead Region Conservation Authority
  • Video
Lost Art
Pays Plat First Nation
  • Agreement Signing Photography (w/ Gridlink)